How can I get more followers on tumblr?

Here I will discuss some great ways for you to get more followers on Tumblr. These methods are not complicated, but working from the heart on the goals, their results will be visible immediately. Having a great number of followers behind you on Tumblr can be a priceless indeed because these people are really specific and most of them are spending great time on the blog. Think about how it would be to have 1000 followers, people who see every single day what you publish or 10,000 people to follow you every day it would be wonderful and very effective for your online business. Here are some tips on how to increase the number of your followers.

First of all you need a great profile. 

Because the first impression is only one and try not to ruin it with bad profile. Before people even see your blog, or even its articles, the element they would see first is your photo. Select your best quality, and most beautiful photo of yourself and Logo. Purposefully select your own blog name, when it is easier to remember, the better. Another purpose of a good blog name is in his capacity as a keyword for search systems. Find the best name you can use Google AdWords.

Now you need a great design for blog.

tumblr design
 If the blog is unprepossessing, or even ugly, this will not help you get more followers on Tumblr. Make sure you go to the official Tumblr Themes library where you can discover a lot of great themes. Colorful, professional and of course niched ones. Select the one which matches your niche and start working with it!

Use custom domain. 

Use custom domain appear to be more solid and reliable. It will be easy to remember your website for your visitors. Maybe it will help to shape your new brand. I think that the most fit for it - Godaddy, use thi code WOWbynkis to get 20% off your order!

It is important to be INTERESTING. 

This is easily accomplished when you are blogging about what you like, because doing what you like - you are sure to succeed. When people on tumblr really enjoy what you post, you'll get lots of Reblogging, Likes and Comment and also that makes more followers on tumblr.

Use Tags as many as you can. 

tumblr tagsHow do people today search in Google? By writing keywords, this is the identical in Tumblr. This is when tags is really effectively. This is pretty important and also crucial to your Tumblr good results. You can get popular simply by understanding what ideal words to tag. Find the most searchable tags you can use Google AdWords.

Like and Reblog others posts.

 When you see anything on Tumblr that you like, be sure you like (or reblog) it immediately! When you like (or reblog) anything on Tumblr, you leave a backlink to your blog on that person's blog for everybody to see. When people see a link to your blog there, they'll hopefully click it and visit your blog and in return follow you. So, the more things you like (or reblog) the more your Tumblr blog's name will be viewed. Normally reblogging can get more people interested in your Tumblr that liking something, so try out to reblog as much as possible.

Follow others on Tumblr.

Follow on TumblrThere's kind of unwritten rule on Tumblr; "if you follow me, I'll follow you." So consider to follow as many people as you can and chances are 95% of those people you follow will follow you back. Follow somebody that already has a huge sum of followers, but, don't be expecting a follow back from this person; he needs not do so. Some still do follow back however. When his followers go to his blog, they'll see who's following the blog, and if your blog is snappy enough, you could possibly get seen and get a follower.

Follow for follow and Promo for Promo.

Type in search "Follow for Follow" or "Promo for Promo" and you will find lots of tumbles who want to trade follows and promos. Use other tags as "I follow back" , "Follow me", "F4F", etc. When you post something, you can use these tags also. Ask your followers to promote your blog in theirs, and if they did, you'll promote them in return. Think about how many followers you could get if many of your followers promoted you. Furthermore, you can also do this to a non-follower.

Join Tumblr trains. 

TumblrTrainTumblr train basically is an imaginative or supposed train in which the passengers are really Tumblrers who are searching for followers. Follow train members and it is very likely that they follow you back. The most used Tumblr train web site For more Tumblr trains search on Google or Tumblr search.

Promote your Tumblr in sites like.

Use the major social networks.

Social network tumblrThey have turned a number of people and it's perfectly possible to use raise your tumblr blog traffic and increase the number of followers. You can basically synchronize your Tumblr to Twitter and Facebook. By doing so, you have eliminated the time wasted for reposting a post you've posted on your Tumblr. A few social networks without Facebook and Twitter:

Make Video about your Tumblr. 

Tumblr YoutubeCreate a video clips about your tumblr blog. Store it to Youtube and leave link to your blog at comments section. Video can be about anything related to your tumblr blog. In order to help people find your video easier, you will help to bring video to the heights of such sites as: 

Good luck getting more followers on tumblr.

 I hope my advices helped and you have a good number of followers. And now you are left to create an interesting post and enjoy your Tumblr blog. On top of this, we add and earnings from your Tumblr blog, which you can read about "How to Make Money With Tumblr"

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